Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Dietitian Day!

I went to see my dietitian today! She said I am doing great! I then went over vitamins with her because frankly, I am sick of mine. I bought a 3 month supply of calcium and multi vitamins prior to the surgery and I miss the Flintstones and Calcium Chews. There's a lot of discussion among WLS patients over whether or not Flintstones are appropriate (they lack selenium) and whether we absorb calcium carbonate. To be honest, I have been informed that since I take the calcium with meals, they will absorb whether they are citrate or carbonate and the surgeon checks my blood levels and would notice a deficiency, so I am not going to worry anymore, and I am going to save some money and by this stuff at the grocery store, not online where I have to pay for shipping and obscene amounts of money for special vitamins.

Moving on, I had some decent meals today... Wanna see???


Breakfast: Yummy yummy yummy! I had low sugar apple and Cinnamon oatmeal (made with water) and half a sliced banana:

For a snack, I had the pepperoni chips again with a Mozzarella stick.For lunch I had the chili again that I had yesterday, only today I also had some steamed broccoli because I noticed my veggies were lacking.
For a snack, I had some of the cantaloupe I cut up last night and 4 oz ciobani vanilla yogurt (I add a packet of splenda to sweeten it a bit more).
Supper was ground beef sauteed with onions on top of 1/2 cup pasta mixed with pasta sauce and roasted zucchini. Roasted Zucchini is sooooo easy to make and by far my favorite way to eat veggies. I simply chop the veggies, toss in a little olive oil and garlic powder (not garlic salt!). Place on a pan and put in a 400 degree oven for 20 minutes turning halfway. Yum, and it makes the house smell good! Bonus!
On another note, I have been exercising like crazy! I joined Planet Fitness (I think I have mentioned this before) and man, I am tired. I try to do at least 45 mins a day, five days a week. My dietician says 30 mins a day, 5 days a week is good.
So, looks like I am doing well there.
Right now I am watching bones. Love Booth! Sigh, he's total beefcake.
What are you watching?

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